It's been a long time (several years) since I've actively developed OpenRPG. Through the years many other developers have taken up the torch and improved OpenRPG.
Tyler Starke's Traipse Tyler Starke has contributed a new development fork to the OpenRPG Project under the name Traipse. Inside the Traipse fork, OpenRPG has become a core technology, a set of features that are removed from any particular user interface. The development of Traipse is active and is moving towards a new milestone which will change the entire face of OpenRPG.
If you're reading this post, please log in and download all your ebooks, maps, and other files. I won't be deleting anything; instead, I will replace this site with a placeholder that includes contact information so customers can still access their books. However, it won't be as convenient for you or for me.
You will still have the option to purchase ebooks from and print books from Amazon. I may consider setting up a new storefront for selling books, as there are many software solutions available for that. However, the character generator and mapping software present a different challenge as they are custom-coded.
Regarding the d20 Modern Character Generator, I may consider making the code open source on GitHub. Although the code is quite old, it has the potential for improvement, and perhaps someone else can modernize it or individuals can run it locally.
As for Tiamat, please refrain from buying any additional tiles or maps that you cannot use immediately. There is no viable upgrade path for this tool, and it costs more to maintain than it generates in revenue. There are numerous other excellent mapping tools available, making open-sourcing the code (excluding the tiles) seem unnecessary.
I hope to publish again someday. I have numerous adventures, settings, and other games that are mostly complete, waiting for me to finish when I have more time. However, I've been saying that for years. :)
So, to reiterate, please log in and download all your ebooks, maps, and other files.
Back then I had just released a new Darwin’s World adventure and it was also the time of many personal changes, many of which have prevented me from doing much on the game front. First, I left my full time job and became a freelancer. It’s been a big success for me, but I took on a lot of projects over the last 3 years, so time for games has been short. Also, I had another kid, my fourth, so there’s that.
Despite my lack of time, the site has remained in operation and people continue to buy games and use the web apps I developed years ago. I’m really surprised how active it remains despite that I haven’t released any new books or added new features in nearly three years. Thanks everyone!
Now that I’m firmly back into self employment mode, I’m hoping to get back to games. But I also need to change this site to reflect my current life. RPGObjects is not just my publishing name, it’s also my business name, as well as the identity of most of my online activities (github, g+, etc...). So my immediate goal is to clean up this site and have a place for everything that matters. While I hope to post new blogs about gaming or some new book I’m editing, I also want somewhere to post about android development or an upcoming event I’m speaking at (like Devfest MN).
I have some goals I hope to achieve in 2016 both in publishing as well as for this site, but I’ll leave that for another post.
In the meantime, just a reminder, I still exist.