The premier modern military sourcebook for the d20 system is reborn with Blood and Guts 2: General Edition. The General Edition collects the core books in the Blood and Guts 2 series into one volume.
Redesign from the ground up by modern d20 guru Charles Rice, Blood and Guts 2 promises to be more flexible and adaptable, allowing players and game masters to build soldiers of any military specialty from around the world.
Military Training Manual
Military Training Manual includes new advanced classes that allow a wide variety of military characters to be built using a new system of advanced training talents and bonus feats.
American Special Operations
Complete description of American Special Operations forces for all four branches of service, from the 75th Ranger Battalion to the mysterious Task Force 121 that captured Sadaam Hussein.
Combat Procedure
Variant combat rules allowing the game master to dial in the level of realism he wants in his modern combats, whether those combats take place in a war zone or in the streets of Hong Kong.
Statistics for popular land, air, and sea military vehicles.
War on Terror
War on Terror is a campaign model that serves as a foe manual for the Blood and Guts line.