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RPGObjects News
Posted by Chris Davis on 2011-01-07
Suffering from gamer ADD, I ignored Tiamat for a bit to redo the layout for Darwin's World Savage Worlds. I submitted it to Peginc and await their approval. Then Dominic sent me a finished draft of Somewhere In Between, and since I was already in the thick of it, I continued editing and layout. With it nearly complete, expect Somewhere In Between to go on sale Monday.

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-10-18
Abandon All Hope, the new RPG from the creators of Darwin's World, is now on sale!

In addition to the core rule book, we have released an introductory adventure, Seeds of Rage.

You can grab both books in our Abandon All Hope Starter Bundle+

Abandon All Hope is a science-fiction/supernatural horror role-playing game in which players take on the role of the condemned aboard an automated spaceship that has plunged over the edge of the known universe. Here, in another dimension, they must contend with escaped lunatics, robotic controllers, and monstrous aliens who feed off of their fear and suffering. Former convicts are now the heroes, and every day is a fight for survival. For those who seek it there will be chances to escape, to gain power, embrace damnation, or seek redemption...

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-10-11
Seeds of Rage is the intro adventure for Abandon All Hope. Dominic created 3 comic pages for the adventure, depicting key events from the story.

Needles to say, Spoiler Alert!

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-10-05
A short blog preview this time. A cutaway diagram of the prison ship Gehenna, the setting for Abandon All Hope

Download High Resolution PDF: Gehenna PDF

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-10-04
Demons aren't the only terrors players have to worry about:

In addition to worrying about demons, the pathetic inhabitants of the lost prison ship Gehenna must also contend with their robotic controllers, the vast legion of “custodians”. Designed and programmed for a wide range of missions, the custodians were responsible for monitoring the population’s behavior, seeing to their needs, enforcing the restrictions and regulations of the prison, tracking down escapees, confiscating contraband, and, when necessary, carrying out punishment for offenders who continued to endanger their fellow prisoners through their unrepentant crimes.

Let's look at one example:

Enforcers are the Gehenna's equivalent of prison guards. Each Enforcer is an enormous armored contraption that hovers along on a gravity wave emitter at a height of seven to ten feet. The task of the ship's Enforcers is to respond to unlawful activity reported by Narcs and Monitors and deal with the problem. Envisioned as peacekeepers and law officers, Enforcers were given surprisingly simple and strict programming, so that when they are called on to act, they do so decisively (and often lethally).



Large Size: This machine is larger than a man and takes up four spaces (square) on a standard battle grid.

Authoritarian: To face down an enforcer, an unarmed human opponent must succeed at a Despair check. If she fails she is unable to resist the custodian's commands.

Cattle Prod: An enforcer is equipped with a cattle prod. Its internal power source allows it to use this weapon indefinitely.

Sonic Beamer: An enforcer is equipped with a sonic beamer that affects not only the target, but anyone adjacent to the target as well. Its internal power source allows it to use this weapon indefinitely.

Armor: Due to its metal construction a monitor reduces the damage from all physical attacks by -4 (minimum 0).

Call Backup: Instead of attacking, an enforcer can communicate a distress call to a range of 500 ft. which will draw the attention of all nearby Enforcers to its aid.

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-10-02
There are many terrors and foes for the prisoners of Gehenna to encounter: environmental hazards, harden prisoners, robotic custodians, and lastly "demons."

Gehenna has wandered into a dimension of unimaginable terror, a place so far beyond the outer limit of the known universe that it can only be described as “Hell itself“. Still as yet unexplained, the hatred, fear, guilt, and madness of the inmates aboard causes the frequent manifestation of monstrous beings that are hideous to behold and terrible to confront. These creatures have come to be known as “demons”.

The demons of Abandon All Hope come in three varies linked directly to Ludovico Gauges: Despair, Guilt, and Insanity. Let's look at one from the Despair family:


Seen in the shadows of an abandoned cell or moving through a darkened passage, a Death Slither might be mistaken for a snake as it slinks sinuously across the floor, moving side to side with quick and powerful swings of its tail. This strange form of demon resembles the skull and spine of a human cadaver, hung with rotten flesh and patches of hair, with white, dead eyes and a bisected lower jaw rimmed with jagged, alien teeth. Death Slithers are typically lone hunters, stalking the darkness of deep halls and corridors for isolated victims, playing cat-and-mouse with potential prey. Since they can literally "taste" their victims' growing fear, these creatures appear to delight in tormenting prey before an actual confrontation. When the sensation of intense fear becomes too much for the demon to resist any longer, it finally ambushes its prey, moving in for the satisfying climax of the kill.

Typical Manifestation: When manifested, a Death Slither generally reanimates scattered bones, which slowly come together to take on a serpentine shape and life of their own.



Small Size: This creature is small. Two creatures of its kind can occupy the same square on a standard battle grid.

Frightening: Characters beholding a death slither must make a Despair check or accumulate +1D2 Despair.

Hopelessness: Hope points cannot be used during encounters with this creature.

Bite: A death slither's bite attack does 1D6 Health damage.

Tail Lash: Instead of biting, a death slither can attack with its tail, using Reflexes instead of Prowess for its attack roll; a successful hit does 1D3 Health damage and also ignores all Armor (except for a helmet, which offers normal protection).

Latch: If a death slither's bite is successful, it latches onto the target. It must maintain this hold (i.e. remain alive) for three turns to use its Choke ability (see below).

Choke: If a death slither remains latched onto a target for three turns, on the fourth turn it automatically deals 1D4 Health damage; if a natural 4 is rolled, another D4 is rolled and added to the total (and again if another 4 is rolled, etc.). A victim killed by this ability is decapitated (no Recovery possible) and the head will rise as a death slither in 1D10 turns.

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-09-27
Abandon All Hope takes place on the prison ship, so it makes sense that gangs place a significant role the setting. There is a small chapter dedicated to this topic. It gives some basic guidelines for handling gangs as well as advancements should the players choose to join one. It also details the top 12 gangs of Gehenna. Here's one of:

JAILHOUSE GIANTS (Pre-/Post-Perdition)
The “Jailhouse Giants” were one of the more formidable factions aboard the ship before Perdition, appealing to a diverse slice of the prison population - namely, those victimized, hounded, or otherwise ostracized by the other gangs. Formed in response to attacks on minorities, the weak, and the isolated, the Jailhouse Giants gave a voice (and violent support when needed) to those prisoners who, alone, had very little chance of surviving. The ’Giants, being relatively small, earned a nasty reputation for well-coordinated attacks on other gangs, clandestine assassinations, etc. that ultimately set them up as a respectable gang few gangs took on lightly.

Probationary: To join the Jailhouse Giants one must possess the Tortured trait.
Junior Standing: All members of Junior Standing gain the Boxing trait for free (if the character already has this trait, she gains 50 BPs instead). The ’Giants make sure their members can fight for themselves.
Senior Standing: Senior members gain their choice of either +1 Prowess or Intimidation.
Inner Circle: Inner Circle members gain a +100 Build Point bonus whenever they complete a mission that furthers their gang’s goals.

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-09-25
One of the last things a player does during Characters Creation is pick a Personal Goal. Here's an abbreviated excerpt:

A Personal goals reflect either your character’s own ambitions, or a driving force behind her actions, or simply something she hopes to accomplish before she dies.


Personal goals do more than give flavor to your character; depending on your personal goal, certain actions during the game may lead to bonus Build Points if you act in accordance to your goal.

There are five goal: Redemption, Power, Survival, Escape, and Damnation. Here's one example:

A character seeking redemption searches for a way to amend for her crimes, a proverbial “cleaning of the slate”, through embracing a new sense of honor and self-sacrifice. A character with this personal goal sees the situation on the Gehenna as a chance to save fellow prisoners, protect others, and generally make up for the evils of her sordid past.

• Guilty of terrible murders, you have come to seek redemption, if not in God’s eyes than at least in your fellow man’s. You try to protect your comrades and, if necessary, will die for them.
• Having been party to the slaughter of innocents during the last war, and condemned for your service, you have come to regret the death and destruction once waged by your hands. You search for redemption leads you to care for the weak, the innocent, and fight for a common good.

Role-Playing Suggestions: Be a leader. Lead by example; be brave, inspire heroics in others. Do the right thing when you get the chance, even to your own detriment. Share with others, gain their trust.

BP Awards: Characters with this goal gain bonus BP awards for saving the lives of other characters, making “good” moral choices, sacrificing themselves for the greater good, etc.

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-09-22
A foundational element to Abandon All Hope is Build Points. A player starts with Build Points to use to create his character, but they also receive them while adventuring as rewards to improve their character.

Players will spend most of the build points they accumulate on Traits. Traits consist of everything from natural talents to skills learned in prison, abnormal mental qualities to psychological quirks, past training to quirky abilities picked up in the past before being sentenced to the Gehenna.

The cost of a Trait depends on a characters Conviction Record. Here's a few examples:

You smoke like a demon, but a drag now and then helps take the edge off your nerves.
Prerequisites: None.
Benefit: You begin play with a lighter. In addition, you may consume 1D4x10 smokes to reduce your current Despair by -1.
Penalty: You suffer a +2 penalty to Prowess checks when checking for success at feats of endurance.

Your reputation in prison precedes you; few are bold enough to challenge you.
Prerequisites: Intimidation 10.
Benefit: In combat, individual convicts must succeed at a Will test to attack you (unless you attack them first, in which case they are free to fight back). Player-controlled characters are immune to the effects of this trait.
Penalty: None.

You are an intimidating foe to confront in combat, whether its because of your size, the impressive scars, your reputation, or merely that maniacal, far-off look in your eyes.
Prerequisites: Intimidation 3.
Benefit: Instead of attacking you may, on your turn, select one opponent and force her to make an opposed Intimidation check. If she fails, she takes either a -1 penalty to all Attack or Defense rolls (your choice) for the rest of the combat.
Penalty: None.

Posted by Chris Davis on 2010-09-20
If you recall from my first preview blog, step 4 is Pick your Conviction. Now that does that entail? Let's go to the source shall we:

In Abandon All Hope, a character’s “Conviction Record” is basically a descriptor that defines the category of lawbreaker/deviant that character was in Terran society during the Purge. A character’s Conviction determines how, in general, a character is used to solving problems and dealing with others; through violence and intimidation, social interaction and deal-making, manipulation and playing to the custodians, or turning inward and developing self-sufficiency.

Depending on her Conviction a character will have certain Traits available to her at the start of the game, and she will also receive discounts on specific categories of Traits should she choose to buy them during the course of play.

There are four convictions: Murderer, Vice Offender, Dissident, and Anarchists. Let's look at one, the Murderer

MURDERER While society did have its share of violent offenders throughout human history, during the era of chaos preceding the Unification Movement constant warfare led to a cheapened view of the sanctity of life. War was waged almost constantly, and Man became jaded to suffering. When the New Regime took power, scarred by memories of infamous despots (such as the 20th century’s Hitler and Pol Pot, the 22nd century’s Lee Kamao, and De Dios of the late 2330s), paramount to the creation of Utopia was a rooting out of all violent offenders. This included not only killers, but also those deemed “pre-disposed” for killing, and anyone or anything that glorified the use of violence in any form. Similarly, soldiers who fought in the last war were decommissioned and sent to holding camps, only to be labeled as killers and thrown in with common thugs, psychopaths, and serial killers as the New Regime took control.

Attribute Bonus (Player‘s Choice): +1 Prowess or Intimidation.

Free Trait (Pick One): Cold-Blooded, Military Training, Obsession, Psychopath, Public Menace

I haven't covered Traits yet, so that last line has little meaning right now, but you know you want to take that Public Menace trait don't you!

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