
Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-3 Openings)
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Author:  maxamillion [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

I will not be attending tonight - its my birthday.

I will not be attending next week - after much consideration - and guys-I shall miss you - I have decided that if I cant raise game issues in this thread without being told to bugger off, then there's no way I can resolve issues with the GM. I've enjoyed playing along side you all, but I no longer feel I can put up with the sh** I've been given. I raised my points, and was basically told to shut up.

Take care - hope to see you all around.

Author:  daddystabz [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

I myself will be kind of iffy for tonight. My brother is coming over to spend the night because some work is being done at his house. So I will kind of be in and out all night, which could affect my attention in the game, with me having to keep him company and all.

Max, I really wish you would reconsider. We like having you onboard. Isn't there any way you and Lando can work out your issues? Were you still wanting to take a look at TOR?

Author:  maxamillion [ Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

Finally, if you wish to rant about my game, please take it somewhere else. I'm getting annoyed at this all over my game thread. If it's not to your liking then I'm sorry you don't like it. Play with someone else then.

I don't think so. That was lando's post back to me - its in the main thread. I waited two weeks to see if he PMed me or otherwise wanted to talk about the issues. FFS the arrogance of someone who says "I'm an expert on tolkien, I've been reading it since I was seven" is just beggaring belief. I've been able to count since I was (erm...) 4 ish... doesn't make me an expert in math.

I'm defiantly interested in TOR.

As far as reconsidering - I've been doing that for two weeks - but I have realized that I signed up to take part in a game. Games are fun. This hasn't been fun for me for a while. I think too much would need to change for it to be fun, and I think the GM is too set in his ways to find a compromise.

[And I was trying to air and sort out my issues - I was trying to talk about them - but see above!]

Author:  Lando The Archmagi [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

maxamillion wrote:
As far as reconsidering - I've been doing that for two weeks - but I have realized that I signed up to take part in a game. Games are fun. This hasn't been fun for me for a while. I think too much would need to change for it to be fun, and I think the GM is too set in his ways to find a compromise.

[And I was trying to air and sort out my issues - I was trying to talk about them - but see above!]

Evidently you didn't read my original response. The above wasn't directed solely at you. It was directed at all the info about the new RPG too. I'm fine with discussing the new RPG in a separate thread or the like, just didn't want it confusing those who play MERP or were perhaps interested in joining. I have had a few express interest. Also, typically you don't find traps by throwing stones up stairwells as its never worked in any RPG I've played in and won't work for a pressure plate trap. I also randomly rolled a die for you to step on said plate, so it just didn't magically happen. As that whole tirade wasn't necessary. You all chose to go into the ruins. You could always go back and take the other tunnel. You made noise and disturbed a sleeping creature. Combat happens all throughout the books of JRR Tolkien. Sometimes the main characters don't take on everything first hand, you can run and or try to talk to it too or use trickery or the like. It hasn't attacked or harmed you or anyone in the party. You chose to be hostile with the way you expressed your "complaints" on my game thread. I can do without that. Politely talking to me via IM/email or pm would've been better. One of my house rules is just that as a matter of fact. I am very well versed on Tolkien and the rest of the party seemed to like my knowledge on the subject and enjoyed my game. If folks don't wish to play anymore then I'll let ya'll enjoy whatever other game you want to enjoy. I got plenty of people asking me to run other games so perhaps I'll do that or something else entirely.

Author:  Lando The Archmagi [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MERP RPG (1-2 Openings)

I have several openings for those interested in playing in Tolkien's Middle-Earth set in the early 4th Age.

After slaying the spiders and rescuing Feadin from them, the party has found themselves deeper under the Weather Hills in some ancient dwarven ruins dating to the 1st Age, perhaps around the time of the War with Morgoth. They have awoken a cave drake while exploring the ruins.

All current players should consider themselves level 3 and adjust their sheets accordingly.

Game Time/Day: Saturday evenings 9 pm-12:30 am EST.
Session #18
Game Server: Mayhem
Backup: Blackstar
Game Room: Middle-Earth Roleplay
Timeline: Fourth Age 1
Game: MERP 2e rules with possible Rolemaster expansion later on.
Level: 3
House Rules: 100 gp to start (ignore 2 gp starting funds), you may pick your background options or roll them randomly. However, if you wish to combine them all into one mighty magic item/heirloom or the like, you must seek approval from me first. You can buy minor magic items with your gold or herbs or the like. See pgs 258-260 MERP 2e.

Magic Items/Background Options
Magic items come in all shapes/sizes and they can make up for low stats and they can grant you PP as well if you need some to learn / cast spells.
Depending on how you wish to spend your background options will give you different options to choose from. You can roll randomly or pick or work up something with my help.

Here are some examples:

You can substitute any style sword/axe/weapon for these..

1 background option: +15 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+1 spell adder (wand/staff or something) or x2 power point multiplier (ring, amulet, brooch etc)
2 background options: +30 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+15 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+15 Bow or Thrown missile weapon made of some fine wood/steel (I'll look up the material)

You could spend more pts to get something like "of Slaying Orcs" or the like too. Or you could spend an option to get an item like a pair of magic boots/cloak or some other device that enhances a skill +15 bonus or something.

There are lots of examples in the books/supplements or just run your ideas by me.

Also no Orcs/Trolls/Corsairs/Easterlings/Haradrim/Variags/Black Numenoreans as pc races. Noldor are also going to be rare. Sindar or Silvan elves ok, most other men and dwarves, hobbits are alright. Also you may reroll your attributes if they're all lower then 65 one additional time, keeping the results. Remember that you can replace your lowest stat with a 90 for your prime attribute. Also remember any stat below 20 can be rerolled at any time.

Sheets should be in .doc/.rtf/.txt/,pdf or pc node files preferred, but the .xls file that trollblood offered will work too. Send me your completed sheets to my email at landothearchmagi at comcast.net.

House Rules
Every PC starts a game session with 3 Fate Points.

A Fate Point may be spent to:
- Add a +50 bonus to a Maneuver or Attack roll if declared before the dice are rolled
- Add a +25 bonus to a Maneuver or Attack roll if declared after the dice are rolled
- Add +25 to DB against one attack
- Save you from an instant death crit table result, instead placing you in a coma for 1d10 hours

Fate Points may not be spent on Resistance Rolls.
No more than 2 FP may be spent on any one roll.
(Note that this heavily favors action and offense over defense. This is intentional as I want to encourage heroic action and attempting wild stunts rather than turtling.)

You gain 1 FP by performing heroic deeds and acting with valor. You can keep doing this until you're up to your full allotment of 3 FP. You may never hold more than 3 Fate Points at a time and they do not carry over from session to session. Each session you begin anew with your allotted 3 Fate Points. When spending Fate Points on a wild maneuver or attack you should describe the cinematic action you perform vividly and with flare. Villain NPCs do NOT have Fate Points, except for important main villain NPCs, at the GM's discretion. So an average orc would never have Fate Points but the Witch King of Angmar likely would.

Roleplay encouraged. Please be sure to state your actions clearly.

NPCS (who hired the pcs) (brother/sister)
Grithnir - Dunedain Warrior (uses a fine sword of ancient Numenor make, probably from his father)
Morwen - Dunedain Warrior/Animist (prefers to use a fine bow)

daddystabz-Dunedain Ranger
debo11-Ashetar Noldor Elven Mage
Maltar - Dunedain Scout (played by Kyanna)
Aldamir-Feadin (Animist)
Opening-any class
Opening-any class

Author:  maxamillion [ Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

It wasn't a "randomly thrown rock". And that wasn't my only complaint.

And if, Lando, you care to read my initial objections, you might actually see the issues. But I'm not going to turn this into an argument or row - I have enjoyed a lot of the time in your game - especially with interactions with other players. I am not leaving with any overt bad feelings, just I am no longer enjoying the sessions, so I do very much wish you well in future activities.

(As for choosing to be hostile - that's just not true. I initially raised issues with you in game - more than once, and have - more than once - been told to leave if I don't like it. I posted here as it's the dammed thread for the game and I thought you would discuss it. But Ka Sera.)

Author:  Vincentcnbres [ Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

Given our party makeup I'm hoping Amaraxis rolls a warrior or maybe a bard.

Author:  Lando The Archmagi [ Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MERP RPG (1-2 Openings)

I have several openings for those interested in playing in Tolkien's Middle-Earth set in the early 4th Age.

The party spoke to the cave drake (his name unknown at this point) and he told them a little about the challenges they face ahead if they continue fighting the orcs and remains of Angmar's forces. He mentioned they were in an ancient dwarven temple celebrating their heroes. He also mentioned he would like treasure in exchange for showing them the way out. They then began to re-examine the first burial chamber and solved several difficult puzzles. The opened an ancient armory/crypt access and have discovered some more ancient treasures, some possibly dating back to the 1st Age and the war against Morgoth. They're deciding what do and whether to give some of this to the cave drake in exchange for the way out.

All current players should consider themselves level 3 and adjust their sheets accordingly.

Game Time/Day: Saturday evenings 9 pm-12:30 am EST.
Session #18
Game Server: Mayhem
Backup: Blackstar
Game Room: Middle-Earth Roleplay
Timeline: Fourth Age 1
Game: MERP 2e rules with possible Rolemaster expansion later on.
Level: 3
House Rules: 100 gp to start (ignore 2 gp starting funds), you may pick your background options or roll them randomly. However, if you wish to combine them all into one mighty magic item/heirloom or the like, you must seek approval from me first. You can buy minor magic items with your gold or herbs or the like. See pgs 258-260 MERP 2e.

Magic Items/Background Options
Magic items come in all shapes/sizes and they can make up for low stats and they can grant you PP as well if you need some to learn / cast spells.
Depending on how you wish to spend your background options will give you different options to choose from. You can roll randomly or pick or work up something with my help.

Here are some examples:

You can substitute any style sword/axe/weapon for these..

1 background option: +15 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+1 spell adder (wand/staff or something) or x2 power point multiplier (ring, amulet, brooch etc)
2 background options: +30 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+15 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+15 Bow or Thrown missile weapon made of some fine wood/steel (I'll look up the material)

You could spend more pts to get something like "of Slaying Orcs" or the like too. Or you could spend an option to get an item like a pair of magic boots/cloak or some other device that enhances a skill +15 bonus or something.

There are lots of examples in the books/supplements or just run your ideas by me.

Also no Orcs/Trolls/Corsairs/Easterlings/Haradrim/Variags/Black Numenoreans as pc races. Noldor are also going to be rare. Sindar or Silvan elves ok, most other men and dwarves, hobbits are alright. Also you may reroll your attributes if they're all lower then 65 one additional time, keeping the results. Remember that you can replace your lowest stat with a 90 for your prime attribute. Also remember any stat below 20 can be rerolled at any time.

Sheets should be in .doc/.rtf/.txt/,pdf or pc node files preferred, but the .xls file that trollblood offered will work too. Send me your completed sheets to my email at landothearchmagi at comcast.net.

House Rules
Every PC starts a game session with 3 Fate Points.

A Fate Point may be spent to:
- Add a +50 bonus to a Maneuver or Attack roll if declared before the dice are rolled
- Add a +25 bonus to a Maneuver or Attack roll if declared after the dice are rolled
- Add +25 to DB against one attack
- Save you from an instant death crit table result, instead placing you in a coma for 1d10 hours

Fate Points may not be spent on Resistance Rolls.
No more than 2 FP may be spent on any one roll.
(Note that this heavily favors action and offense over defense. This is intentional as I want to encourage heroic action and attempting wild stunts rather than turtling.)

You gain 1 FP by performing heroic deeds and acting with valor. You can keep doing this until you're up to your full allotment of 3 FP. You may never hold more than 3 Fate Points at a time and they do not carry over from session to session. Each session you begin anew with your allotted 3 Fate Points. When spending Fate Points on a wild maneuver or attack you should describe the cinematic action you perform vividly and with flare. Villain NPCs do NOT have Fate Points, except for important main villain NPCs, at the GM's discretion. So an average orc would never have Fate Points but the Witch King of Angmar likely would.

Roleplay encouraged. Please be sure to state your actions clearly.

NPCS (who hired the pcs) (brother/sister)
Grithnir - Dunedain Warrior (uses a fine sword of ancient Numenor make, probably from his father)
Morwen - Dunedain Warrior/Animist (prefers to use a fine bow)

daddystabz-Dunedain Ranger
debo11-Ashetar Noldor Elven Mage
Maltar - Dunedain Scout (played by Kyanna)
Aldamir-Feadin (Animist)
Opening-any class
Opening-any class

Author:  Lando The Archmagi [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MERP RPG (1-2 Openings)

If everyone can make it, ther is a game tonight. I apologize for not posting the treasures found last game. I will try to do that before tonight's game as I've had a terrible week with all sorts of things in real life going on.

New or interested players are welcome. I have several openings for those interested in playing in Tolkien's Middle-Earth set in the early 4th Age.

The party spoke to the cave drake (his name unknown at this point) and he told them a little about the challenges they face ahead if they continue fighting the orcs and remains of Angmar's forces. He mentioned they were in an ancient dwarven temple celebrating their heroes. He also mentioned he would like treasure in exchange for showing them the way out. They then began to re-examine the first burial chamber and solved several difficult puzzles. The opened an ancient armory/crypt access and have discovered some more ancient treasures, some possibly dating back to the 1st Age and the war against Morgoth. They're deciding what do and whether to give some of this to the cave drake in exchange for the way out.

All current players should consider themselves level 3 and adjust their sheets accordingly.

Game Time/Day: Saturday evenings 9 pm-12:30 am EST.
Session #18
Game Server: Mayhem
Backup: Blackstar
Game Room: Middle-Earth Roleplay
Timeline: Fourth Age 1
Game: MERP 2e rules with possible Rolemaster expansion later on.
Level: 3
House Rules: 100 gp to start (ignore 2 gp starting funds), you may pick your background options or roll them randomly. However, if you wish to combine them all into one mighty magic item/heirloom or the like, you must seek approval from me first. You can buy minor magic items with your gold or herbs or the like. See pgs 258-260 MERP 2e.

Magic Items/Background Options
Magic items come in all shapes/sizes and they can make up for low stats and they can grant you PP as well if you need some to learn / cast spells.
Depending on how you wish to spend your background options will give you different options to choose from. You can roll randomly or pick or work up something with my help.

Here are some examples:

You can substitute any style sword/axe/weapon for these..

1 background option: +15 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+1 spell adder (wand/staff or something) or x2 power point multiplier (ring, amulet, brooch etc)
2 background options: +30 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+15 Broadsword (made of Arborang with Numenorean runes) with scabbard
+15 Bow or Thrown missile weapon made of some fine wood/steel (I'll look up the material)

You could spend more pts to get something like "of Slaying Orcs" or the like too. Or you could spend an option to get an item like a pair of magic boots/cloak or some other device that enhances a skill +15 bonus or something.

There are lots of examples in the books/supplements or just run your ideas by me.

Also no Orcs/Trolls/Corsairs/Easterlings/Haradrim/Variags/Black Numenoreans as pc races. Noldor are also going to be rare. Sindar or Silvan elves ok, most other men and dwarves, hobbits are alright. Also you may reroll your attributes if they're all lower then 65 one additional time, keeping the results. Remember that you can replace your lowest stat with a 90 for your prime attribute. Also remember any stat below 20 can be rerolled at any time.

Sheets should be in .doc/.rtf/.txt/,pdf or pc node files preferred, but the .xls file that trollblood offered will work too. Send me your completed sheets to my email at landothearchmagi at comcast.net.

House Rules
Every PC starts a game session with 3 Fate Points.

A Fate Point may be spent to:
- Add a +50 bonus to a Maneuver or Attack roll if declared before the dice are rolled
- Add a +25 bonus to a Maneuver or Attack roll if declared after the dice are rolled
- Add +25 to DB against one attack
- Save you from an instant death crit table result, instead placing you in a coma for 1d10 hours

Fate Points may not be spent on Resistance Rolls.
No more than 2 FP may be spent on any one roll.
(Note that this heavily favors action and offense over defense. This is intentional as I want to encourage heroic action and attempting wild stunts rather than turtling.)

You gain 1 FP by performing heroic deeds and acting with valor. You can keep doing this until you're up to your full allotment of 3 FP. You may never hold more than 3 Fate Points at a time and they do not carry over from session to session. Each session you begin anew with your allotted 3 Fate Points. When spending Fate Points on a wild maneuver or attack you should describe the cinematic action you perform vividly and with flare. Villain NPCs do NOT have Fate Points, except for important main villain NPCs, at the GM's discretion. So an average orc would never have Fate Points but the Witch King of Angmar likely would.

Roleplay encouraged. Please be sure to state your actions clearly.

NPCS (who hired the pcs) (brother/sister)
Grithnir - Dunedain Warrior (uses a fine sword of ancient Numenor make, probably from his father)
Morwen - Dunedain Warrior/Animist (prefers to use a fine bow)

daddystabz-Dunedain Ranger
debo11-Ashetar Noldor Elven Mage
Maltar - Dunedain Scout (played by Kyanna)
Aldamir-Feadin (Animist)
Opening-any class
Opening-any class

Author:  debo11 [ Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Middle-Earth (MERP) RPG (1-2 Openings)

no problem Lando. Will be there tonight.

Quick list
2 suits of mithril plate (+20 DB, chain mm) ((vara, terilan)
bow of Ohome (maltar)
around 12 weapons 20 vs morgoth's minions ((spears, 1hd swords, axes, and such))
Bracelet of Ohome (Maltar)
Amulet (Terilan)
Ring (no one)
bag of fist sized jewels
300 gold

and yet another secret place to search before leaving....
should prover interesting tonight :)

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