My friend Ron / Seannachie is starting up his Pathfinder game again...
It's Saturday nights at 8 pm eastern / 5 pm pacific on the Unshaped server.
Room is usually called Pathfinder - Greyhawk, which is where it is currently
set, but he is looking at expanding the game beyond that world, based on
what players want to do.
It is currently 1st level,
When you get to the room he will have you roll two sets of dice, 4d6, drop
the lowest. You get to pick which of the two sets you want then arrange
the scores for your character, max gold and hp at first level.
We currently have a human sorcerer, a halfling rogue and are getting
a fighter/archer. So if you have a healer, a wizard or a tank and are
wanting in on some Pathfinder action, this is your game.

Anyways, just show up Saturday the 25th at 8 pm eastern, or if
you want to discuss character ideas, PM me and I will give you the
GM's email so you can contact him.