Friday night - Jade Regent
Hey all
I am running Jade Regent on Friday nights on the Unshaped server at 9 pm EST. First game is tomorrow, Friday the 8th of March.
Right now, we have a summoner, a fighter, a rogue and a witch. Could use 2 more people.
Jade Regent is an adventure path paizo put out that has an oriental ending, but starts in the western town of Sandpoint, you can find more details, including the players guide on the Paizo website.
If you are interested, the character gen is as follows :
1 st level character
25 point build
3 traits, 2 of your choice then 1 from campaign
Max hp at 1st level
max gold for your class
Any questions, you can post or PM me. Would definitely like a healer in the group if we can swing that, I think it will be fine

Dan / Athos