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 New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time 
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:58 pm
Posts: 69
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
Athos wrote:

This is the age of exploration....

Without maps, without roads, without merchants....

Is anybody else interested in pooling funds to buy a ship and being seafaring explorers? We could start by exploring the coastline, and we could also travel up navigable rivers. The alternative in a land without roads is pack animals.

I've only played in one other seagoing adventure. It was fun! It was different!

Then again, maybe we'll have to build a ship first! Learn how to sail and navigate, find investors, recruit a crew, etc. If there is no trade, there might not be anything besides fishing boats.

EDIT: Athos has created a Sorcerer with higher charisma than my bard, and with a very similar list of skills and spells known. Seems like he wants to play the party face. Rather than compete for that position, perhaps I will create a [light armor] cleric {or ranger, druid, rogue...who knows?}.

Original: "I am thinking of playing a bard, rogue, or a combo."

Last edited by PhillyG on Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:37 pm

Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:17 pm
Posts: 88
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
I do apologize, used to 1st lvl campaign starting, the gold is the same as a 4th lvl character which is, 6,000 GP, and, Philly, that's a fanTASTIC idea! ^__^ Yes, you'd have to make your own ship, which will take time and money, so, up to PCs.

Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:06 am

Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:55 am
Posts: 219
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
playing a human two weapon fighter

Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:51 am

Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:19 pm
Posts: 228
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
Great Idea PhillyG...

If there are 5 of us, we can each put aside 2,000 gp and buy / commission a sailing ship, which in PF is only 10k.

That requires a crew of 20 and can carry 150 tons of cargo.

I am up for it...

Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:52 am

Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:48 pm
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Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
Do the 'one free magic item' and 'armor is half off' rule still apply?

Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:09 am

Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:17 pm
Posts: 88
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
No, it does not, I do that generally one, to give them armor so they don't die very fast, and the magic item is like spice to the soup.

Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:55 am

Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:19 pm
Posts: 228
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
Character Sheet
Name : Mordan Aquis
Player : Dan / Athos
DM: Nathan Martin
Campaign : Age of Exploration, Allabastaria

Race : Human
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 4
XP : 9,000

Patron Deity : none as of now, favors Poseidon
Alignment : Neutral / Neutral Good

Character Traits:

Focused Mind : +2 concentratoin checks
World Traveller : +1 diplomacy and diplomacy is counted as a class skill


Strength 7 -2
Dexterity 14 +2
Constitution 14 +2
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 10
Charisma 21 +5


HP: 26
AC: 12
Touch AC: 12
Flat-Footed AC: 10
Init : +6
Speed: 30 ft.

BAB : +2
Mel : +0
Rng : +4

Combat Maneuver Bonus: 0
Combat Maneuver Defense: 14

Fort: +3 (+1 base, +2 Con)
Ref : +3 (+1 base, +2 Dex)
Will: +4 (+4 base, +0 Wis)

Special Abilities-

Charisma +2
Favored Class : Sorcerer (+3 skill points, +1 spells known )


Bloodline : Arcane

boodline spells : identify
bloodline arcana : whenever you apply a metamagic feat to a spell, increase the DC by +1
bloodline powers :
arcane bond : familiar
metamagic adept : apply one metamagic feat to a spell without increasing casting time - 1/day

Familiar : Thrush - +3 diplomacy bonus
speaks common


Class Archetypes:

Feats (level gained, basic details):

Eschew Materials
Silent Spell
Improved Initiative
Craft Wondrous Items

Languages: Common, Draconic, Aquan
Literate: Yes

Skills (total, ranks, key ability/modifier, other modifiers, notes):

Appraise : +8 4 int/+1 class/+3
Diplomacy : +16 4 cha/+5 trait/+1 thrush/+3 class/+3
Knowledge Arcana : +8 4 int/+1 class/+3
Perception : +0 0 wis/+0
Spellcraft : +8 4 int/+1 class/+3
Profession( Sailor ) : +6 3 wis/+0 class/+3

Equipment (location,weight,price, details):

Traveler's Outfit (worn, 5 lbs., 1 gp)

Backpack (2 lbs., 2 gp) :
Trail Rations - 2 days worth (2 lbs., 1 gp)
Waterskin (4 lbs., 1 gp)
Bedroll (5 lbs., 1 sp)

Chest (25 lbs., 2 gp, to go in room on ship) :

Scholar's Outfit (6 lbs., free starting outfit)
Waterskin (4 lbs., 1 gp)
Trail Rations ( 7 lbs, 3.5 gp )

Magic Items (location,weight,price, details):

on hold for now

Weapons (sheath/location, weight, price, details):

Dagger (belt, 1 lb., 2 gp, light simple melee/throwing, 1d4 P/S, 19-20/x2, 10 ft. increment)

Money: (pockets, 2.4 lbs.)

PC Load:
Light load : 0-23 lbs.
Medium load: 24-46 lbs.
Heavy load :- 47-70 lbs.
Current: 22.4 lbs. (Light)

Familiar/Animal Companion(s):

Thrush (speaks Common)

Concentration +11 (+4 level, +5 Cha, +2 trait)

Spells Known :

Level 0 : can cast at will

Acid Splash - VS, close, no save or SR - make a ranged touch to inflict 1d3 acid damage
Daze - VSM, close, will and SR - humanoid of 4 hd or less is dazed and takes no action
Detect Magic - VS, 60' cone, 1 min/level, no save or SR - can determine type with K(arcana) or
item with spellcraft checks
Mending - VS, 10', up to 1lb/level - repairs damaged objects restoring 1d4 hp
Prestidigitation - VS, 10', 1 hour* - can clean or soil an object up to 2 cubic feet or perform minor tricks, can flavor, heat or cool food/beverage
Read Magic - VSF, 10 min/level - allows deciphering of magical books, scrolls, etc.
can id glyphs/symbols wth spellcraft check ( dc 10 + spell level )

Level 1 : can cast 8/day

Charm Person - VS, close, 1 hour/level, will negates - one humanoid regards you as trusted friend
Grease - VSM, close, 1 min/level, reflex and no SR - can grease an object, person or area
Identify - VSM, 60', 3 rounds/level, no save or SR - it's magic items with a +10 to spellcraft check
Mage Armor - VSF, touch, 1 hour/level - +4 armor bonus to AC
Magic Missile - VS, medium, no save but SR - two missiles each doing 1d4+1 force damage

Level 2 : can cast 4/day

Glitterdust - VSM, medium, 10' radius, 1 round/level, will negates blindness, no SR - all within area
covered in sparkling dust, save or blinded, -40 to stealth check and outlines invisible things

Description :
25 year old male, 6' 0", 175 lbs, Dark Brown Hair, Blue Eyes,

Background :

Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:57 am

Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:55 am
Posts: 219
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
I dont mind getting a water vessel but rather take is slow to see where things go cause there might not being in sea/lake nearby.

Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:52 am

Joined: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:17 pm
Posts: 88
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
If you do the sea campaign, it'll be nearly the same thing as the normal campaign, just, rather than a civilization being a city, town, or a village, it will be a island, or sometimes even a small country.

Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:54 am

Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:19 pm
Posts: 228
Post Re: New Pathfinder Game for Thursday Nights, Pacific Time
Hey Everyone...

If you are going to start playing this Thursday, the 30th, Nathan needs your character posted on the forum or sent to him in PM by the Wednesday the 29th.


Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:33 pm
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