
MLP Pathfinding is magic.
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Author:  JadeCriminal [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  MLP Pathfinding is magic.

Game setup:

You are an Element of Harmony on an important mission outside of the Equestrian demi-plane. You have a ship called The Celestial Wind that can traverse the chaotic Immaterium between the universe.

4d6 drop 1 reroll 1's
Race: Any Ponyfinder
Level 16
Sources: Pathfinder+anything. Keep it in character.

My time zone: Gmt+1
Game times to be agreed on.

Ponies served on a first come first served basis. As long as you are literate and not min-maxing. :P

If you are stumped on class I have suggestions waiting.

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