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 Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent 
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Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
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Post Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
Alright, here's the thread for my new Sunday campaign of Pathfinder, running the Jade Regent Adventure Path. Any discussion or notices between game-sessions should be posted here, such as absence notices or discussion of party leadership or other decisions.

Game will run on Sundays from 12 noon Pacific time to 4 pm Pacific time (western U.S.), on the OpenRPG Dev II server (address Game room on the server will be titled Pathfinder: Jade Regent. (UPDATE: Back-up server when Dev II is offline will be the Unshaped server.)

Character Creation: 1st-level, Medium XP progression, Pathfinder 25-point-buy for ability scores, maximum starting gold for your class, maximum HP for 1st-level, rolled HP at each new level thereafter, 2 Character Traits for each PC (one Campaign Trait from the Jade Regent Player's Guide, and one other Trait from the PRD or PFSRD), Hero Points in use (1 Hero Point at character creation). You'll start with a Relationship Score of 4 + your Charisma modifier with whichever major NPC is linked to your character's Campaign Trait, as normal for the Adventure Path.

I will update this later as needed. We currently have a human ranger, two human paladins, a human rogue, an aasimar cleric, and an elven wizard. Might still be open to recruiting one or two more people in case of dropouts, but for now it looks like we have a full group. Lando may be joining soon with a human ninja.

Active DM and player on OpenRPG since 2002
D&D, d20, PF, SR, and other systems if I can find a group for 'em

Last edited by Arkhandus on Sun May 13, 2012 6:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:56 am

Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2009 11:36 pm
Posts: 305
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
Character Sheet

Character Sheet
Name : Galadlaure Suvoni
Player : Reckless
E-Mail :
Current DM: Arkhandus
Campaign : Jade Regent

Race : Elf
Class: Wizard
Level: 3
XP : 6290/9000 (Medium track)

Patron Deity : Desna
Alignment : NG
Hero Points: 3
Character Traits: Reactionary (+2 Init), Rescued (Shalelu, +1 Acrobatics, Acrobatics becomes a class skill, +1 on attacks vs foes who threaten Shalelu)
Relationship Scores: Shalelu Andosana 6 (Friendship. gained 400xp this level)
Str: 13
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 18
Wis: 12
Cha: 10
HP: 22/ 22
AC: 13 (+3 Dex, +0 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural, +0 deflection, +0 dodge, +0 insight, +0 other)
Touch AC: 13
Flat-Footed AC: 10
Init : +10 (+3 Dex, +2 Reactionary, +4 Feat, +1 Forewarned)
Speed: 30 ft.

BAB : +1
Mel : +2
Rng : +4
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +2
Combat Maneuver Defense: 15

Fort: +2 (+1 base, +1 Con)
Ref : +4 (+1 base, +3 Dex)
Will: +4 (+3 base, +1 Wis)
Special Abilities-
Medium Humanoid (Elf), Speed 30 ft., +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Con, Low-Light Vision, Lightbringer (immune to light-based blinding and dazzling, +1 effective level for purposes of light-based spells and effects they cast, may use Light at-will as a spell-like ability with Int 10 or higher, replaces Elven Immunities and Elven Magic), Keen Senses (+2 Perception), Weapon Familiarity (proficient in longbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortbows, elven-named weapons are martial weapons for her)

Wizard Weapon Proficiencies, Wizard Spells, Cantrips, Spellbook, Scribe Scroll
Arcane Bond (Ex/Sp, Bonded Object - Ring, free masterwork ring, must be worn to have effect, casting a spell without it requires a Concentration check of DC 20 + spell level or the spell fails, occupies a ring slot, 1/day cast any one spell from the wizard's spellbook that she is capable of casting but it cannot be affected by metamagic or other abilities, cannot be used to cast a spell from opposition schools, can add further magicla properties with item creation feats and they function only for the wizard who owns it, damaged object is restored to full HP when the wizard prepares spells)
Arcane School (Divination - Foresight, extra spell slot of each spell level for Divinations, Foresight replaces Diviner's Fortune with Prescience and replaces Scrying Adept at 8th-level with Foretell at 8th-level, Illusion and Necromancy opposed schools, takes 2 spell slots to prepare any Illusion or Necromancy spell, -4 on skill checks to craft Illusion or Necromancy magic items)
Forewarned (Su, always acts in surprise rounds but still flat-footed until taking an action, +1 Initiative/2 wizard levels but minimum +1)
Prescience (Su, 3/day + Int modifier, free action at the start of her turn to roll 1d20, may use that roll as the result of any other d20 roll made before her next turn)

Favored Class (Wizard, +2 HP, +1/2 use of Prescience per Day)

Class Archetypes:

Feats (level gained, basic details):
1st - Improved Initiative
1st (wizard) - Scribe Scroll
3rd- Fortune Teller

Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven Goblin, Orc, Tien
Literate: Yes
Skills (total, key ability/modifier, racial modifier, other modifiers, notes):
Acrobatics (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +3 Dex, +1 Rescued)
Appraise (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Arcana (+9, +2 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Dungeoneering(+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Engineering(+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Geography (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge History (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Local (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Nature (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Nobles (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Planes (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Knowledge Religion (+8, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Linguistics (+8, 1 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)
Perception (+3, +0 Rank, +1 Wis, +2 racial)
Spellcraft (+10, +3 Rank, +3 Class, +4 Int)

Equipment (location,weight,price, details):
Scholar's Outfit (backpack, 6 lbs., 5 gp)
Masterwork Ring (free, bonded object)
Backpack (worn, 2 lbs., 2 GP)
Bedroll (pack, 5 lbs., 1 SP)
Black Ink (pocket, 1 ounce vial, 8 GP)
Inkpen (pocket, 0 lbs., 1 SP)
4 Trail Rations (pack, 4 lbs., 20 SP)
Waterskin (pack, 4 lbs., 1 GP)
Spell Component Pouch (belt, 2 lbs., 5 GP)
Spellbook (pack, 3 lbs., free, holds cantrips plus Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Feather Fall, Gravity Bow, Grease, Shield, and Snapdragon Fireworks)
Traveller's outfit (worn, 5 lbs, 1gp)
harrow deck 100gp

Magic Items (location,weight,price, details):

Potion of Cure Light Wounds

Weapons (sheath/location, weight, price, details):
Longsword (belt, 4 lbs., 15 GP, 1d8 slashing, 19-20/x2, martial one-handed melee)
Longbow (shoulder, 3 lbs., 75 GP, 1d8 piercing, 20/x3, martial projectile, range increment 100 ft.)
20 Arrows (shoulder, 3 lbs., 1 GP)

Money: (pockets, 0.54 lbs.)
GP: 369
SP: 4
CP: 2
Gems/Other: Gold and Ivory Fan, Copper Animal Bead Necklace, Silver Hoop Earrings
PC Load:
Light load : 0-50 lbs.
Medium load: 51-100 lbs.
Heavy load :- 101-150 lbs.
Current: 41 lbs.

Stored Equipment (Caravan)
Healer's Kit x 4 200gp 4lb-1 given to Farn, -1 given to Wilorin
Spell Component Pouch x 4 20 gp 8lbs
Cold Weather Outfit x2 16gp 14lbs
Scholars's Outfit 5gp 6lbs
Traveler's Outfit x4 4gp 20lbs
Explorer's Outfit x2 10gp 8lbs
Wine, Fine x4 bottles 40gp 6lbs
Heavy Horse 200gp
Pack Saddle 15gp 20lbs
Saddlebags 4gp 8lbs
Bedroll 1sp 5lbs
Winter Blanket 5sp 3lbs
Scroll Case x4 4 gp 2lb
Ink x6 vials 48 gp
Inkpen x6 6sp
20 sheets parchment 8gp
Trail Rations x21 10.5gp 21 lbs
soap 5sp 1lb
tent 10gp 20lb
waterskin x5 5gp 20lbs
feed x10 days 5sp 100lbs
arrows x 60 3gp 9 lbs -8 to replenish carried supplies
200 gp spent on supplies for writing spells into spellbook
100 gp spent on supplies for scribing scrolls
Familiar/Animal Companion(s):

Spellcasting Class (Caster Level): Wizard - Divination/Foresight specialist (1)
Spells per Day: 4 cantrips at-will/3+1 Divination/2+1 Divination
Spell DC: 14/15/16

Spells Known:
Lvl 0: All
Lvl 1: Anticipate Peril, Comprehend Languages (Div),Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Endure Elements (Abjur), Feather Fall (Trans), Gravity Bow, Grease (Conjur), Identify, See Alignment, Shield (Abjur),Sleep, Snapdragon Fireworks, Unprepared Combatant
Lvl 2: Burning Arc, See Invisibility

Spells Prepared:
Lvl 0: Detect Magic, Jolt, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Lvl 1: Comprehend Languages, Gravity Bow, Snapdragon Fireworks, Unprepared Combatant
Lvl 2: Burning Arc x2, See Invisibility

Description (Include Age, gender, height, weight, physical appearance):
149 year old female 5'10" 108 lbs Brown Hair, Golden Eyes, tatoos and piercings

Background (Brief):
Galadlaure Suvoni has spent most of her decades-long childhood living in Sandpoint. The speed at which the other children of sandpoint matured made it difficult for her to feel connected to the townsfolk around her, and she threw herself into books, which were the same every time she read them, and yet revealed more about herself and her world each time she did so. Still, the human children of Sandpoint could be cruel, chanting "Galadlaure, Galadlaure, head's always in a story." The nickname "Story Laure" has stuck with her.

Her nose alway in a book, she hardly even noticed the excitement of the townsfolk as the Swallowtail Festival approached. Bored with the mayor's speech, she began once again pouring through one of her favorite volumes, walking heedlessly down the street when the goblins attacked the town. It was only the diligence of the local heroine Shalelu that saved her from a goblin's horsechopper. Shalelu pulled her out of the way, finishing the goblin with one mighty blow and advising Galadlaure "If you don't learn to pay attention to the world around you, all the knowledge in those books won't save your ass. And the next time this happens, I won't either."

Something awakened in Galadlaure, a bit of maturity that hadn't fully formed until her life was threatened in such a sudden and unexpected way. She decided that Shalelu was right, it was time for her to start paying attention to the dangers of the world, learn how to avoid, control, and overcome them.

Any feats/spells/abilities/items not in the Core Rules (list sources at least):
Anticipate Peril (UM)
Burning Arc (Humans of Golarion)
Lightbringer (APG)
Fortune Teller (Inner Sea World Guide)
Foresight School (APG)
Gravity Bow (APG)
Snapdragon Fireworks (UM)
Unprepared Combatant (UM)

Burning Arc
School evocation [fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets one primary target plus one additional target/3 levels (each of which must be within 15 ft. of the primary target) Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes

Keleshites brag that they stole this spell from genie-kind thousands of years ago while other civilizations struggled without fire.

This spell causes an arc of flame to leap from your fingers, burning a number of enemies nearby. It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). For every additional target the discharge arcs to, reduce the number of damage dice by half (rounded down). Therefore, at 9th level, your burning arc deals 9d6 points of fire damage to the primary target, then 4d6 points of fire damage to a secondary target, then 2d6 points of fire damage to an additional target. Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. The Reflex DC to halve the damage of the secondary bolts is 2 lower than the DC to halve the damage of the
primary bolt. You may choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 15 feet of the primary target, and no target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the maximum.

Last edited by Reckless on Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:11 pm, edited 7 times in total.

Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:00 am

Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:39 am
Posts: 29
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
Character Sheet
Name : Ashi'lie Jarina
Player : Midnight
E-Mail :
Current DM: Arkhandus
Campaign : Jade Regent

Race : Human
Class: Sacred Shield Paladin
Level: 1
XP : 0/1000

Patron Deity : Desna
Alignment : Lawful Good
Hero Points: 1
Character Traits: Reactionary, Friend of the Family
Str: 15
Dex: 12
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 16
HP: 13 / 13
AC: 17 (+1 Dex, +6 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural, +0 deflection, +0 dodge, +0 insight, +0 other)
Touch AC: 11
Flat-Footed AC: 16
Init : +3
Speed: 30 ft.

BAB : +1
Mel : +3
Rng : +2
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +3
Combat Maneuver Defense: 13

Fort: +5
Ref : +1
Will: +1
Special Abilities-
Race: +1 skill point each level

Aura of good: The power of a paladin's aura of good (see the detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level.
Detect Evil: At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the paladin does not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.
Bastion of Good: a sacred shield can call upon the powers of good to defend her and her allies against evil. This ability functions as smite evil, except that the paladin gains no benefit on attack or damage rolls against her target. Instead, any attacks the target makes against allies within 10 feet of the paladin deal half damage. Attacks against the paladin deal full damage, but the paladin gains a deflection bonus to her AC equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) against attacks made by the target of the smite. This bonus increases by +1 for every four paladin levels (to a maximum of +6 at 20th level). As with smite evil, if the paladin targets a creature that is not evil, her bastion of good ability is wasted with no effect. Feats, abilities, and the like that increase a paladin’s number of uses of smite evil per day increase a sacred shield’s uses of bastion of good per day.


Feats (level gained, basic details):
Fey Foundling: Gives +2 points per die rolled when healed and +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects and +1 damage from cold Iron.
Power Attack: Gain +2 damage for -1 attack for every +5 bab.

Languages: Common
Literate: Yes
Skills (total, key ability/modifier, racial modifier, other modifiers, notes):
Acrobatics: -4/1/0/0/-5
Appraise: 0/0/0/0/0
Bluff: +3/3/0/0/0
Climb: -3/2/0/0/-5
Diplomacy: +7/3/1/3/0
Disguise: +3/3/0/0/0
Escape Artist: -4/1/0/0/0
Heal: +0/0/0/0/0
Intimidate: +3/3/0/0/0
Perception: +5/0/1/4/0
Perform: +3/3/0/0/0
Profession: +0/0/0/0/0
Ride: +1/1/0/0/0
Sense Motive: +0/0/0/0/0
Spellcraft: +4/0/1/3/0
Stealth: -4/1/0/0/-5
Survival: +0/0/0/0/0
Swim: -8/2/0/0/-10

Equipment (location,weight,price, details):
Blanket, Winter/Back/3
Cold-Weather Clothing
Food, Trail RationsX2/Back/2

Magic Items (location,weight,price, details):

Weapons (sheath/location, weight, price, details):
Bardiche Back/14/Brace, Reach, +4 CMD on Sunder attacks

PP: 2
GP: 4
SP: 4
PC Load:
Light load : 0-66 lbs.
Medium load: 67-133 lbs.
Heavy load :- 134-200 lbs.
Current: 66 lbs.
Familiar/Animal Companion(s):

Spellcasting Class (Caster Level): None (0)
Spells per Day:
Spell DC:

Spells Known:
Lvl 0:
Lvl 1:

Spells Prepared:
Lvl 0:
Lvl 1:

Description (Include Age, gender, height, weight, physical appearance):
She is a16 year old girl. She is 5' 3" tall and weighs 100 pounds. With Teal colored eyes and Silver hair. She has a lean but strong and hardy build.

Background (Brief):

Any feats/spells not in the Core Rules (list sources at least):

Tue May 01, 2012 10:05 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:59 am
Posts: 9
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
I'll step up and lead if no one else wants to.

Character Sheet
Name : Trel Jarina
Player : Warsor
E-Mail :
Current DM: Arkhandus
Campaign : Jade Regent

Race : Human
Class: Paladin(Warrior of the Holy Light, Hospitaler)
Level: 1
XP : 400/1300

Patron Deity : Desna
Alignment : Lawful Good
Hero Points: 1
Character Traits: Reactionary(+2 Init), Childhood Crush: Ameiko (1/day) (Ex) Gain crush's favor & +1 to saves(DC15 Cha check). +1 vs foe threatening them.
Str: 16
Dex: 12
Con: 13
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 18
HP: 12 / 12
AC: 18 (+1 Dex, +7 armor, +0 shield, +0 natural, +0 deflection, +0 dodge, +0 insight, +0 other)
Touch AC: 11
Flat-Footed AC: 17
Init : +3
Speed: 20 ft.

BAB : +1
Mel : +4
Rng : +2
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +4
Combat Maneuver Defense: 15

Fort: +3
Ref : +1
Will: +2
Special Abilities-

Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Evil at will (as the spell).
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +1 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.

Feats (level gained, basic details):

(1st)Fey Foundling: Magical healing works better on you
(Human)Weapon Focus: Nodachi

Languages: Common
Literate: Yes
Skills (total, key ability/modifier, racial modifier, other modifiers, notes):
Acrobatics -4, Climb -2, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Knowledge (Nobility) +4, Ride -4, Sense Motive +4, Stealth -4, Swim -2

Equipment (location,weight,price, details):
Kilted Four Mirror Armor
Pathfinder Kit(Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Clay Mug, dagger, 2 fishhooks, flint & steel, sewing needle, signal whistle, 50 feet of thread, 50 feet of string, waterskin, 1 week worth of trail rations, a whetstone.)

Magic Items (location,weight,price, details):

Weapons (sheath/location, weight, price, details):
Nodachi +5 (1d10+4/18-20/x2)

GP: 13
PC Load:
Light load : 0-0 lbs.
Medium load: 0-0 lbs.
Heavy load :- 0-0 lbs.
Current: 0 lbs.
Familiar/Animal Companion(s):

Spellcasting Class (Caster Level): None (0)
Spells per Day:
Spell DC:

Spells Known:
Lvl 0:
Lvl 1:

Spells Prepared:
Lvl 0:
Lvl 1:

Description (Include Age, gender, height, weight, physical appearance):

Background (Brief):

Any feats/spells not in the Core Rules (list sources at least):

Relationships: Ameiko: 8 (Friendship)

Thu May 03, 2012 1:49 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
Thanks for posting the sheets, I'll look them over soon.

I got the Dragon Empires Gazeteer in the mail the other day, and within the first few pages already ran into some annoyances. Like mentions of needing the Dragon Empires Primer and other stuff to get full use out of the Gazeteer........ So I bought the Dragon Empires Primer in PDF and, as the reviews said, it's mostly just copied material from the Gazeteer, while the few bits of new material in it are fairly disappointing. Can't believe I wasted 25 bucks on the Gazeteer and 8 or so on the Primer PDF..... Nonetheless, the few bits of rules material in those products are now available in the campaign, such as kitsune, yokai hunter rangers, Dragon Empire regional traits, and Dragon Empires patron deity options. Not that it's likely to matter at this stage with the characters more or less finished, but perhaps later. I also ended up buying the Inner Sea Primer PDF and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings Gazeteer PDF (sure wasn't gonna spend another 25 bucks after shipping and handling for a pitifully-thin booklet). Between the two gazeteers and the ISP and the Jade Regent AP I should have enough info to run the campaign through the few regions it uses, starting in Sandpoint of Varisia.

Also, a minor change: the Jade Regent Adventure Path says it's made for the Medium XP Progression, so we'll be using that instead of the Fast progression I originally intended. According to the module it should get the group up to around 4th-level by the end of The Brinewall Legacy, and we'll see if the Medium XP Progression turns out to be alright for the Adventure Path.

Active DM and player on OpenRPG since 2002
D&D, d20, PF, SR, and other systems if I can find a group for 'em

Sat May 05, 2012 6:00 am

Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:30 am
Posts: 1051
Location: Marietta, GA
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
If you have any drop outs, let me know, I'd possibly be game.

Sat May 05, 2012 6:38 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
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Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
A few things from looking over the sheets yesterday:
Ashi'lie starts with 400 XP and a Relationship Score of 7 with Koya from her campaign trait and Charisma.
Ashi'lie's sheet lists her armor bonus at +6 and apparently an armor check penalty of -5, but her armor isn't listed in the equipment section so I have no idea what armor she's wearing. Also, she wields a bardiche but her Sacred Shield paladin archetype requires a shield for Divine Bond later on, so I'm wondering if she's just planning to pick up a shield and a one-handed weapon later on?
Trel's skills don't list his ranks or modifiers so I can't check his skill totals yet, and his armor is still a mystery to me; I eventually managed to find the four-mirror armor in the PRD, but its stats don't match up with what few numbers he has on his sheet for it; you really need to have more detail on the sheet, especially for piecemeal armor. Also I have no idea where a 'pathfinder kit' comes from or what it costs/weighs, so I had to make a rough calculation based on the individual items in it; remember I don't have the actual PFRPG core rulebook. (Edit: Just stumbled upon the eastern armor/weapons section in the PRD so I finally found the normal four-mirror armor stats......)
Just about everyone had a few minor miscalculations on their sheets which I've tried to fix on my copies, particularly with starting coinage and carried loads. Mostly I wish folks would list their sources for each non-core item/feat/ability at the bottom of the sheet. -_-

Looks like everyone still needs to pick out a few more pieces of basic equipment like waterskins, bedrolls, flint and steel, or similar.

Sun May 06, 2012 6:24 pm

Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:30 am
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Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
I'm sorry for the delay in notice, have had a rough week personally with a lot of things going on. My spouse fell and broke her right knee and sprained her ankle badly and I had finals and job interviews. I've also got company in town. So needless to say I won't be playing today as I had intended to do so. I'll try joining up next weekend if you still got room, if not I totally understand.

Sat May 12, 2012 7:16 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:59 am
Posts: 9
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
The reason the four mirror armor's AC is the way it is is due to the armored kilt. Its the first thing at the top of the chart. . A pathfinder kit is exactly the items I listed in parenthesis, however the source for the item is the pathfinder society field guide. They are some pretty basic items and the kit costs 12 gold which I think is the price of all the items.

Also DevII seems to have vanished. Where are we to meet up today? Also Midnight told me to pass along he can't make today's game.

Sun May 13, 2012 4:58 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:35 am
Posts: 311
Location: Glendale, AZ, USA
Post Re: Ark's Sunday Pathfinder: Jade Regent
Yeah, Dev II is offline for some reason, thought it would be back online by now but I guess not. We'll use the Unshaped server as a back-up choice.

Sun May 13, 2012 6:53 pm
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